Music Tech

Unlocking the Groove: Your Guide to Navigating the Diverse Realms of Music Tech Startups

Live Music

Live Music

Platforms redefining live event experiences and planning, including financial solutions, audience engagement tools, and live streaming platforms.

Direct Music Licence

Direct Music Licence

Typically involves a direct agreement between a music copyright owner (such as a songwriter or music publisher) and a licensee (such as a business, venue, or individual) for the use of the music.

Collaborative Music Creation

Collaborative Music Creation

Platforms that facilitate real-time collaboration among musicians, allowing them to work on projects together regardless of geographical location.

AI-Powered Music Analysis

AI-Powered Music Analysis

Platforms that use AI algorithms to analyze and provide insights into musical compositions, helping musicians understand elements like chord progressions, song structure, and more.

Royalty Management and Distribution

Royalty Management and Distribution

Platforms assisting musicians in managing and distributing royalties, ensuring fair compensation for their work across various channels.

AI and Music Composition

AI and Music Composition

Startups leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to assist in music composition, production, and even creating entirely new pieces. Examples: Aiva, Amper Music, Jukedeck.

Live Performance and Concert Tech

Live Performance and Concert Tech

Companies developing technology to enhance live performances, including virtual concerts, ticketing platforms, and event management tools. Examples: Songkick, Eventbrite, StageIt.



Startups providing online music education platforms, interactive learning apps, and tools for music teachers and students. Examples: Yousician, Simply Piano, Playground Sessions.

Streaming and Discovery

Streaming and Discovery

Startups that offer unique streaming platforms, personalized playlists, and innovative methods of music discovery. Examples: Spotify, Pandora, SoundCloud.

Events & Live Shows

Events & Live Shows

Events & Live Shows" involves various technologies and platforms that enhance, facilitate, or innovate aspects of live performances, concerts, and events.